Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Day TEN.

Hi folks.

We're ten days in and loving it!

Some of the perks we're experiencing:

  • Clearer thinking (I don't feel so scatterbrained...I think my memory is improving, but I can't remember - ha!!)
  • Feeling less bloated
  • A more positive outlook
  • Heightened sense of taste and smell (wow, real food is GOOD!)
  • More creativity in the kitchen
  • Better meal planning (less waste, better money management)
  • I've lost 5 pounds (!!!!)

The more documentaries I watch, the more reading I do, the more I listen to my body and realize how good it feels, the more enjoyable this is becoming. I may have mentioned this in an earlier post, but this vegan "thing" is so much easier than I anticipated. I'm more aware and more conscious of the food I eat and the way I interact with the environment.

Challenges faced this week:
Bread. Why does convenient, store-bought bread have to have milk in it?! Okayyyy, so it isn't that big of a deal. It's a minor inconvenience and I SUPPOSE I'll get the bread machine out and make our own nutritious bread. If that's the biggest of my worries this week, I'll take it. Besides, rumor has it that store-bought bread has hair in it. I'll do without. Here's a link to an article detailing hair in bread.

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