Tuesday, October 29, 2013


We are proud to announce that we've been going strong for three weeks! THREE WEEKS! Yeah!

Looking at the big picture, three weeks isn't terribly long, and it has been a pretty easy three weeks, but I am still so proud to have made it this far. I'm also very thankful for my loving, supportive, and very handsome husband.

We had our first-ever Halloween Party on Saturday and it went so well! Xavier and I had plenty of vegan food to keep us away from the non-vegan goodies (we asked that people bring something to share, but we didn't want people to feel like they had to bring something exclusively vegan).

The day after the party, Sunday, I decided to hop on that dreaded scale again to see what the "damage" was. To my surprise, the vegan cupcakes, hummus, and bread had no adverse effects...I have actually lost a grand total of 10 pounds so far! I was shocked (and still am)! This lifestyle change wasn't targeted towards weight loss...we had hoped to get more energy and feel better...so the weight loss is a little perk!

A few people told me that my face was looking thinner, and since I see myself every day, I couldn't really tell, but I did a side-by-side comparison and can see it a bit now.
I don't have a lot of time to post recipes and pictures today because I'm going to be on the road all day for my Graduate Assistant job, but here are a few things you can look forward to:

  • A couple photos from the party.
  • A recipe for vegan cupcakes (and photos...they were delicious!).
  • A recipe for Jerk Sloppy Joes (maybe on Xavier's blog).

That's all I have time for. I just wanted to share the good news about our three week "anniversary", our party, and weight loss success!

Have a great day, everyone! Stay warm!

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